Limited Time Offer

Apprentice (trainee) Discount Detail

  • 20% Off for services $100 and under.
  • 30% off for services over $100.

How to book

  • Book online here.
  • Text or call to book: 678-9827583.
  • We can take up to 4 guests together. Booking for two or more. Please call or text: 678-9827583.
  • Online booking only shows partial availability. Don’t hesitate to call or text us for full availability.
Apprentice (trainee) Prom

Enjoy 20% Off for services <=$100 or 30% off for services > $100, if you book with trainee.

Offer valid thru 10/25.

Leave "Apprentice" in booking note or text us to reserve.

If you are one of them, you should get a head spa!

  • Those with scalp issues such as dandruff, dryness, or oiliness. 
  • People with thinning hair or hair loss who wish to promote hair regeneration. 
  • Individuals who often feel stress, anxiety, or fatigue and need relaxation and relief. 
  • Those looking to improve hair health and enhance hair quality. 
  • People who sit for long periods and experience shoulder and neck pain. 
  • Individuals who use computers or look at their phones for extended periods, experiencing redness and fatigue in their eyes.